07 Dec Just 12 Minutes and 3 Moves to a Stronger You
To be honest, the excuse of not having time to get up and move is not a valid excuse for anyone. Working out does not necessarily mean spending all of your time in the gym. If you are a busy person then get in short workouts moves throughout the day to simply get your body moving and waking up different muscles.
The workout we have for you today is a quick one! All you need is some floor space and a raised surface. This quickie circuit combines muscle toning and cardio for 12 minutes. Just 12 minutes! You can give yourself that! Do as many rounds as you can before the timer’s up.
5 Triceps Dips
Sit on the edge of a chair or some other raised surface and place your hands on edge just outside of your hips. Walk your feet out a few steps, slide your butt off of the chair, and straighten your arms. Bend your elbows and lower body until your arms are bent at about 90 degrees. Press down into the chair to return to the starting position.
10 In & Outs
Lie faceup with your fingertips behind your ears and your legs extended. Lift your legs until your feet are about six inches off the ground. Engage your core and lift your shoulder blades off the floor like a crunch while also pulling knees in toward your chest. Be sure that you use your abs to lift. Do not pull on your neck to crunch. Reverse the movement to return to the starting position.
20 Ft. Sideways Bear Crawl
Start on all fours with your hands under your shoulders, knees under your hips and bent to 90 degrees. Tuck your toes and lift your knees to hover two inches off the ground. Press through your hands to keep your shoulders out of your ears. Keeping core tight, move right arm and right foot to the right for 5 steps and then repeat to the left for 5 steps.
Remember, complete as many circuit moves of these 5, 10, 20 sets in 12 minutes.