Organicfit: A holistic Approach to Health and Wellness.

7 Exercises to Shrink Your Hips and Thighs

Don’t you just love the fact that our bodies are capable of making themselves strong? With nothing but our body weight, we are able to build strong muscles and burn fat every day. Take these legs and butt exercises for example. Tone and strengthen your glutes and legs anywhere with this zero-equipment butt and thigh workout.

These workouts are not only for beginners. If you are savvier with working out, just add more reps to bump up the difficulty.

Include this into your weekly routine to develop muscle strength in your lower half, helping to improve back support and preventing lower-body injuries, both very important especially if you are sitting for long periods of time.

Complete the provided reps of each exercise as a circuit. Repeat 3 times total for a complete butt and thigh workout.

Round the World Kickbacks | 10 reps per side

Note: Be careful not to allow your hips, arms or core much movement as you want the strength to be coming from your butt muscles.

10 reps on the right, then 10 reps on the left.


Samurai Side-to-Side Lunges | 10 reps per side

Keep your heels down and your weight shifted back throughout the movement.

Alternate from side to side, staying low throughout the entire set without standing up.

Note: Stick your butt out and press your heels hard into the floor to focus the results on your glutes.

10 reps per side alternating (20 reps total)


Duck Waddle Squats | 40 reps

10 reps each direction for 40 steps total, rest 10 seconds between sets


Double Bounce Sumo Squat | 12 reps

Note: Make sure your weight remains on your heels and you’re sticking your butt out behind you as if you were sitting in a chair. Flex your glutes hard on each stand-up.

12 reps, counting each stand up as 1 rep


Prone Heel Taps | 15 reps

Note: Keep your knees lifted at least 1 inch off the ground throughout the set.

15 heel taps


Side Plank Leg Lifts | 8 reps per side

8 lifts on the right, 8 lifts on the left


Low Lunge Kickbacks | 6 reps per side

6 reps on the right, then 6 reps on the left (feel free to take mini rests to shake your muscles out)

Once you have completed all 7 moves, start back at the beginning again and complete 2 more rounds. By this, you will not only experience an amazing workout routine but as well as practice a wellness routine.