Organicfit: A holistic Approach to Health and Wellness.

Keto Diet for Beginners in 2020

Keto Diet for Beginners in 2020

Recently, the keto diet has become extremely popular for its health benefits such as weight loss and preventing disease. The keto diet can be hugely beneficial, but how does it work to provide these benefits?



You may have heard of the high-protein, low-carbohydrate Atkins diet. The keto diet keeps carbohydrate levels low, but instead of ramping up the amount of protein in your diet, the keto diet increases the amount of fat. A typical keto diet aims for meals with 75% fat, 20% protein, and 5% carbohydrate. Eating a high-fat diet can still mean eating healthy. Keto diet menu items often include seafood, meat, dairy products, eggs, vegetables, and nuts. With the increased popularity of the keto diet, keto recipes are widely available.


There are many great health benefits that can come as a result of practicing the keto diet. However, too many people make mistakes that can derail their long-term progress on these plans. Diets such as this (Not a diet in the traditional meaning of the term) must be followed diligently to see real results and remain healthy. Practicing these seven strategies as you carry out your keto diet plan will help you design and maintain a healthier ketogenic diet plan.



  1. Keep it balanced.

Just because the ingredients in this diet plan are considered healthy, it doesn’t mean that you can just eat an undetermined amount every day. You need to cater to the needs of your body personally. Dousing your steak with butter, chugging MCT oil out of the bottle, and putting grass-fed butter and MCT oil into every coffee you drink may be more fat than your body can handle, which can actually lead to the opposite effect than intended—inflammation.


Healthy fats are finally beginning to be accepted as a health necessity and as an aid to weight loss. However, even on a high-fat diet, it’s true, too much dietary fat can stall fat loss. Dial down that excess dietary fat and include more fiber-rich vegetables, berries, legumes, and non-gluten grains for a healthier, more diverse gut microbiome to keep your weight within a healthy range. Balance. Is. Absolutely. Key. Don’t forget that when it comes to your diet.





2. Go crazy with nutrient-dense carbs in your keto plan.


Go crazy with leafy greens. You will not get thrown off ketosis by eating too much broccoli. To balance your diet, once you’re getting sufficient dietary fat, you can incorporate tons of leafy and cruciferous vegetables, low-sugar fruit like berries and avocado, and even some starches like quinoa into your ketogenic plan. Go at a pace that is healthy for you. Stick to what works for your body.


3. Kick out all processed stuff.


It’s true, ketogenic diets often fall into the same processed-food trap as Atkins. Be cautious of trusting “keto” labels on foods. Today you’ll find keto bread, cookies, and pasta ad exogenous ketone supplements that promise you can get into ketosis in 30 minutes. Don’t fall for this. No matter how pretty the label design is. There is no fast track to ketosis. It is a process of eating quality, natural foods. Eating a whole foods diet high in quality fats but also nutrient-dense plant foods creates the best avenue to get you into ketosis and promote health.


4. Watch for your food sensitivities.


Problem foods like gluten and dairy can slip into the strictest low-carb or keto plans. You are not “doing keto” when you are eating massive amounts of cheese or processed meats that are full of fillers. This is simply a terrible idea.


5. Stock up on and eat gut-healing foods.


Remember? It’s all about balance! Overemphasizing fatty animal foods and neglecting nutrient-dense plant foods in your meals can wreak havoc on your microbiome. Even on a strict keto plan, there is a ton of wiggle room to add fiber-rich foods, prebiotic foods like raw Jerusalem artichoke and dandelion greens, and fermented foods, including kimchi and unpasteurized sauerkraut. Even on the strictest diet you can explore and get creative.


6. Be cautious: the wrong fats create more harm than good.


One of the key factors in the keto diet is quality fats. Omega-6 fatty acids, that are riddled in popular keto foods like grain-fed beef, farmed salmon, vegetable oils, and roasted nuts and seeds increase inflammation that hijacks your fat-loss plans and promotes systemic disease. Nix those common offenders and focus on foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including grass-fed beef, wild-caught fish, freshly ground flaxseed, and (if you’re not sensitive) omega-3-enriched organic pasture-raised eggs.


7. Be flexible. Get cyclical.


Cyclical ketosis means you’re sometimes in ketosis and sometimes aren’t. This is normal. On the night before workout, days to build glycogen stores in your muscles, try increasing your intake of berries, higher complex carb veggies (like sweet potatoes), and non-gluten grains a few days a week. It could knock you out of ketosis temporarily, but that’s ok. It also provides a wealth of nutrients to keep you lean, healthy, and happy. 


The keto diet can change a person’s life. It isn’t a difficult diet to get on, either. There are plenty of great recipes for the keto diet. All it takes is the willingness to give it a shot. We hope this Keto diet for beginners article has helped you a bit to have enough information to start the keto diet



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