4 In-Home Natural Remedies for Skin Care!
Today, there are more organic skin care products than ever, with a long list of health benefits that stretch beyond good looks. Using these products regularly will not only leave your skin looking beautiful, you will also absorb antioxidants and improve skin UV resistance.
So, make your own beauty regime with these natural skin care ingredients.
Coconut Oil
Benefits of coconut oil include removal of dead cells, strengthening epidermal tissues, and sunburn protection, as well as antiviral, antibacterial, antioxidant and antifungal properties. Studies have shown that coconut oil has the ability to fight chronic skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis and defected epidermal barriers.
Apply it on your hair and skin to moisturize, cleanse, heal scars and wounds, remove makeup and prevent razor burn. It has loads of healthy fats to nourish your gut and improve immunity. Skin health is vital and, like other organs, it needs continuous nutrients and oxygen.
Tea Tree Oil
Tea Tree oil helps fight breakouts, inflammation, and redness of the skin. Unlike common acidic treatments for acne, tea tree oil is well-tolerated by the skin if combined with a carrier oil or applied directly. It is a natural antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antimicrobial. The phytochemicals in tea tree oil make it natural and popular in skin care world.
The essential oils in tea tree oil can be found in 230 plant species in Australia. The basic active ingredients incorporated in the oil are monoterpenes, terpene hydrocarbons, and sesquiterpenes, which reduce harmful bacteria.
Apple Cider Vinegar
This inexpensive and versatile skin care supplement helps to kill bacteria and other pathogens while clearing skin issues. It also provides antifungal properties and stops acne. Apple cider vinegar contains acetic acid, minerals, and vitamins that aid in detox. When consumed, apple cider vinegar improves liver function as it balances bacteria levels in the stomach.
Raw Honey
Raw honey is the best source of enzymes, nutrients, skin boosting cells and vitamins. Health benefits from this natural substance include moisturizing, antiseptic properties and wound healing aid. Other benefits include reducing breakouts, fading scars, and fighting rashes and allergies.
Because of its antimicrobial properties, raw honey can aid in the healing process of burns and wounds. When it comes to treating bacterial infections, diaper dermatitis, dandruff, and psoriasis, raw honey is very effective. It can also be used to make natural homemade skin care remedies such as facial cleansers.
Author Bio:
My name is Eliza Issac I’m a certified Fitness expert and health writer. I love to share my ideas on weight loss, Skin Care, diet plan, and men and women issues. I also work with Joey Atlas, author of Truth about cellulite program.